Episode 3: Catherine Cho on postpartum psychosis


The Wintering Sessions with Katherine May:
Episode 3: Catherine Cho on postpartum psychosis

In this week’s episode, Katherine May talks to Catherine Cho, author of Inferno, a beautifully told account of postpartum psychosis.


After the birth of her son Cato, Catherine travelled to the USA, where her mental health declined to the point that she was committed to a secure ward. Her book details the time in which she recovered her sense of self and her bond with her baby, while trying to understand what happened. After reading it, I was desperate to get Catherine on the show, and she does not disappoint: her account is thoughtful, scintillating, and, best of all, shame-free.

This interview is recorded over a line, so please forgive any glitches in sound.

You can find Catherine on Twitter, and Inferno is out now in Hardback.

To keep up to date with The Wintering Sessions, follow Katherine on Twitter or Instagram

Wintering is out now in the UK, and publishes in the US in December.


Episode 4: Rebecca Armstrong on giving up alcohol


Episode 2: Leah Hazard on changing career after having her first child